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Dover Fueling Solutions

Many fuel stations and retailers have wanted ways to engage more personally with the customers who drive up to their forecourt. Dover Fueling Solutions (DFS), using Windows 10 IoT Enterprise, Microsoft Azure IoT Hub, and Azure Stream Analytics, delivers personalized experiences in content and targeted advertising, right at the pump. That turns a routine errand into an opportunity to build loyalty. DFS also increases efficiency in pump and tank monitoring, allowing operators to fix small issues before they become costly repair problems.
Many fuel stations and retailers have wanted ways to engage more personally with the customers who drive up to their forecourt. Dover Fueling Solutions (DFS), using Windows 10 IoT Enterprise, Microsoft Azure IoT Hub, and Azure Stream Analytics, delivers personalized experiences in content and targeted advertising, right at the pump. That turns a routine errand into an opportunity to build loyalty. DFS also increases efficiency in pump and tank monitoring, allowing operators to fix small issues before they become costly repair problems.